Hentges Tree Service logo

5905 Old Lohman Rd.

Jefferson City, Mo.

Mon - Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

5905 Old Lohman Rd.

Jefferson City, Mo.

Mon. - Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
Prepping your trees for Storm Season

Prepping your trees for Storm Season

Springtime has finally arrived and many of you may be eager to enjoy time outdoors, getting the most out of your home’s landscape. But with spring weather comes showers – and sometimes storms. High winds, torrential rain, thunder, hail and lightning all contribute to...
Tree Stump Removal: 4 Things to Consider

Tree Stump Removal: 4 Things to Consider

If you have ever had to remove a tree from your property, you know that actually cutting down the tree and having it carried away is just the beginning. A professional arborist can easily handle removing a tree. Where you can run into difficulty, however, is dealing...