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5905 Old Lohman Rd.

Jefferson City, Mo.

Mon - Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

5905 Old Lohman Rd.

Jefferson City, Mo.

Mon. - Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Tree Care Tips for Central Missouri

Caring for Winter Storm-Damaged Trees

Caring for Winter Storm-Damaged Trees

When severe winter weather hits and you see your trees and shrubs buckling under the weight of heavy snow and ice, many homeowners ask, “What can I do to save them?” Keep the following tips in mind when caring for storm-damaged trees and shrubs.

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Winter Tree Checklist

Winter Tree Checklist

If extreme wintry conditions tend to affect your area, keep your trees healthy this winter and beyond by following these simple steps.

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5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Trees

5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Trees

Trees are a welcome sight that provide a magnificent backdrop to everyday life. These giant beauties impact our everyday lives in many ways. Here are five reasons you should give thanks for your trees.

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Fall Tree Checklist

Fall Tree Checklist

As you marvel at the magnificent fall color on your trees, take the time to inspect your trees more closely. This is the time of year to prep your yard for the next growing season. Help your trees stay healthy and strong this fall, and all year long, by giving them the care they need now. By following the 5 easy steps in this fall checklist, your trees will be sure to stand tall and strong for seasons to come.

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Choosing the Right Tree Service for You

Choosing the Right Tree Service for You

Tree care is one of the most dangerous professions in the United States. By choosing your tree service company carefully, you can embark on your tree pruning, removal, or other tree care needs with total confidence. Read on to learn more about several factors that you may want to consider when you choose a service provider.

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Stump “Removal” vs “Grinding”

Stump “Removal” vs “Grinding”

You’ve had a tree removed and now you’re left with a stump. It may be diseased, a safety hazard or just an eyesore, but you want it “removed.” To an arborist, “stump removal” means a very specific service, when you may be actually wanting “stump grinding.” So, what is...

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Shade Trees

Shade Trees

Did you know that not only can trees make it easier to enjoy your backyard, but they can actually save you money on your home’s heating and cooling bills?! If you are looking to add a little shade, here are some trees for you to consider and one tree that you may want to avoid.

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Be on the Lookout for Invasive Pests

Be on the Lookout for Invasive Pests

Did you know that most tree problems result from a combination of factors? Trees that are already weakened due to drought or damage are more susceptible to secondary invaders such as wood-boring insects and fungi. The best way to protect your trees from pests that...

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Prepping your trees for Storm Season

Prepping your trees for Storm Season

Springtime has finally arrived and many of you may be eager to enjoy time outdoors, getting the most out of your home’s landscape. But with spring weather comes showers – and sometimes storms. High winds, torrential rain, thunder, hail and lightning all contribute to...

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Tree Stump Removal: 4 Things to Consider

Tree Stump Removal: 4 Things to Consider

If you have ever had to remove a tree from your property, you know that actually cutting down the tree and having it carried away is just the beginning. A professional arborist can easily handle removing a tree. Where you can run into difficulty, however, is dealing...

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