Trees are a welcome sight that provide a magnificent backdrop to everyday life. These giant beauties impact our everyday lives in many ways. Here are five reasons you should give thanks for your trees.

Trees increase your home’s value.
Numerous real estate studies show that well-landscaped yards with mature trees and bushes not only fetch higher prices, but they sell quicker than houses without trees and shrubs. Landscaping, especially with mature trees, can increase property values by as much as 10-20%. In fact, a Clemson University study found that homeowners get a 100% or more return on their landscape investments.

Trees can help lower your energy costs.
Strategically placed trees can be as effective as other energy-saving home improvements, reducing energy costs. The shade from trees can reduce the need for air conditioning in the hot summer months. Trees can cool the area surrounding the tree by up to nine degrees Fahrenheit. One study estimated that the net cooling effect of a young healthy tree would be equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners running for 20 hours a day. In the winter, blocking cold winds is the biggest contribution trees can make towards energy conservation. Evergreens, which retain their leaves/needles yearlong, can serve as windbreaks and can reduce heating costs by 10% to 25%.

Trees are a breath of fresh air.
This one may seem obvious to most, but it’s interesting to realizing just how much trees benefit our air quality. It is common knowledge that trees absorb carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide while releasing fresh, clean oxygen into the air. What most don’t know is that one large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for four people as well as storing 13 pounds of carbon each year. But trees don’t stop there; they also help trap up to 75% of dust, pollen, and smoke from the air. In one year, an acre of forest can absorb twice the CO2 produced by the exhaust of an average car over the same period.

Trees improve the soil conditions.
When most people think about tree benefits, they look to the sky and think about air quality, but trees also greatly improve the soil conditions down below. Trees not only slow down soil erosion but filter sewage, clean roadside spills, filter water runoff, and reduce the effects of animal waste.

Trees are good for your health.
In addition to improving the air quality, having more trees in your area could reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and many other health issues. Several studies have shown that exposure to greenspaces can promote physical activity and better mental health. Just admiring trees from afar has been proven to reduce blood pressure and stress-related hormones.
At Hentges Tree Service, we recognize all that trees do for us. In return, all they ask is for a little TLC. That’s where we come in. It’s our passion and life’s work to keep the trees you love healthy and thriving for years (or even decades) to come.
We’re here to serve you and we provide free estimates.