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5905 Old Lohman Rd.

Jefferson City, Mo.

Mon - Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

5905 Old Lohman Rd.

Jefferson City, Mo.

Mon. - Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Caring for Winter Storm-Damaged Trees

In the midst of winter, the world seems to quiet down under a blanket of snow. However, when severe winter weather hits and you see your trees and shrubs buckling under the weight of heavy snow and ice, many homeowners ask, “What can I do to save them?”

How you deal with distressed trees can impact their health now and for years to come, and hasty decisions can often result in removing trees that could have been saved. Keep the following tips in mind when caring for storm-damaged trees and shrubs.


Be patient.

In many cases, the only thing you can do for your trees and shrubs is simply to be patient and wait for the snow and ice to melt. Under all of that weight, the tree’s branches can become brittle. You may be tempted to shake the tree or otherwise try to remove the snow, but in attempting to do so, you could actually break or snap the branches. Trees and shrubs that are bent but not broken will often recover without special care.

Be safe.

While you’re waiting for the weather to thaw your trees, be alert of any low-hanging branches that look like they’re ready to fall. Branches and trees that are twisted and bent are usually under tremendous strain that is undetectable to the untrained eye. If you were to attempt cutting them with a chain saw, a quick release of that stored energy could have unpredictable and dangerous results.

Additionally, keep your distance from any downed utility lines. Low-voltage telephone or cable lines and even fence wires can become electrically charged when near fallen or broken electrical lines.


Assess the damage.

Once the snow has melted, assess the damage. If only small limbs and twigs are damaged, the tree will likely make a full recovery on its own. If many large branches are damaged, the tree may be able to recover with conservative pruning and care, and time. A certified tree care professional, such as Hentges Tree Service can help assess the damage and determine a plan of action.



Contact Hentges Tree Service today and we’ll happily help assess your storm-damaged trees.

